The Book of Mormon

Another Testament of Jesus Christ


The Book of Mormon is sacred scripture to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It contains a record of ancient prophets and peoples who lived in the Americas. It details their spiritual journey, struggles, and the teachings they received from God. The book focuses on the teachings of Jesus Christ, His visit to the Americas after His resurrection, and the principles of faith, repentance, and enduring to the end. For believers, it serves as another testament of Jesus Christ, alongside the Bible.

In A Few Words: The Book of Mormon begins with the story of a prophet named Lehi, who is warned by God to flee Jerusalem with his family around 600 B.C. to escape impending destruction. After a challenging journey through the wilderness, they build a ship and sail across the ocean to a promised land in the Americas. The book follows their descendants, who split into two main groups—the Nephites and the Lamanites. Over the centuries, these civilizations experience periods of war, peace, and prosperity, often influenced by their faithfulness to God’s teachings. Central to the narrative is the visit of Jesus Christ to the Americas after His resurrection, where He teaches and blesses the people, bringing a time of peace and unity. The Book of Mormon ends with the tragic downfall of the Nephite civilization but offers a powerful message of hope and a challenge to all who read it to seek truth and follow Christ.

Explore more: Full Plot Analysis, Book by Book Summary


Throughout the two millenia between us and Jesus Christ's original twelve apostles, many things have changed. However, there are some things that are simply timeless; there are cardinal truths which never expire. Among those plain and precious truths is our Savior Jesus Christ's atonement on the cross, and his teachings on repentence, love, and mercy. The Book of Mormon (BOM) serves as another testament of Jesus Christ, sharing the gospel through a complex and cohesive storyline. The BOM also provides clarification on key theological and doctrinal issues of our time, containing rich symbolism, allegory, and sermons from prophets of old.


Explanation about how the Book of Mormon came to be.


Details about the witnesses of the Book of Mormon.


Some factual information related to the Book of Mormon.


Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common questions about the Book of Mormon.

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